How to Not Fail Miserably as you Graduate

In Business by Dental Entrepreneur

D4’s, get ready … the homestretch is ahead. To the D1-D3’s, getting ready early is exactly what you need.
As a D23, practice owner and founder of igniteDDS, every day I get asked what the most successful young dentists do differently. The short story is that they become president and CEO of their personal corporation.

Like all top CEO’s, these students formalize their inner circle. In other words, they build a personal advisory board. Here’s the skinny on how to achieve that:

Name two people whose lives represent who you want to be
Name one person you trust who sees life like you do
Name one person you trust who will challenge your choices

Secure a financial advisor
Secure an accountant
Secure an attorney

Ask those seven to join your advisory board
Set an initial 30-minute virtual meeting
Get a commitment on a standing monthly meeting time

As you lead, your board will follow. Or it won’t. You’ll want your meetings to be concise, creative and collaborative. That said, these meetings are really checkpoints and a measure of accountability. The real work happens in between via each board-members’ suggestions, findings and recommendations. Creating a shared Google Doc or working with apps like Asana streamline this process.

The Initial Agenda:
Welcome; thank you; quick intro (You for two minutes)
Board member intros (You lead the order, they speak, 14 minutes)
Share your vision (You for two minutes)
Ask each board member for one initial thought. (You lead, all answer, 11 minutes)
Thank you/verify next meeting time (You for one minute)

Want to learn more?
Check out our latest edition of CRUSH and other ebooks at
Email me directly at and Dental Entrepreneur  and igniteDDS will show you the way
Until then…
Together We Rise!

Dr. David Rice, DDS graduated cum laude in 1994 from The State University of New York at Buffalo’s School of Dental Medicine. In 1995, he completed his general practice residency from the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. With a strong belief in continuing education and mentorship, Dr. Rice went on to complete continuums at the Pankey Institute, The Dawson Center and The Spear Center all while building the Restorative Practice of his dreams and maintaining an associate clinical professorship at the SUNYab School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Rice combined his passions for teaching, mentoring and making a difference and igniteDDS was born. Today he continues to maintain his private practice and travels the country inspiring dentistry’s future to live their dream, have great success and to make that same difference that has brought him so much joy.